Hi All,
We need your game design documents today! Put them in the following format, and fluffy kittens shall worship you. Dont worry about writing a huge tome of knowledge - a couple of lines on each heading is fine. Remember, this is going to evolve over the course of the semester.
Game Design Document
Generally the name of the game goes here somewhere.
Overall Design Summary
What sort of game is this (genre/format). What is the setting? What does the player do, and why (goal) .
Here you describe the game design in more detail. This part is normally broken up into a bunch of different headings and sub headings. Some of the things you might want to cover are:
-The goal/object of the game - how does the player 'win'?
-How does the game flow? Do you have a main screen? Does the screen scroll? Does it transition to other scenes? Once you describe the game flow (feel free to use a diagram), you can break each of the 'sections' or 'screens' down into a seperate heading and describe it there. And so on and so on...
-How does the player interact with the game? How do they use the controls to manipulate what they are seeing?
-How is the game scored?
-Can the player die? How?
Artistic Overview
An overview of the game visual style. You can use pictures here, as well as describe how it will look.
Technical Overview
An overview of specific technologies used on the project - Platform, programming languages, frameworks, image formats, sound formats, and anything else relevant.
Game Parameters
Anything that is a sort of 'game constant'. For instance:
-number of lives
-speed of movement
-amount of ammo you start with
(these are just examples).
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