Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sprite Resource

Here's some sprites (not just the one's pictured here) I've collected from the 'net for rapid prototyping. Give credit where it's due, if you use them commercially, or just use them without needing to acknowledge the author, for placeholders. It really helps getting the animation and collision code working as an example. It means Art can continue working on the final assets while the Coders have something to use without holding up production.

Click here to download -> Sprite Resource (6MB ZIP)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Game Design Document Template

Hi All,

We need your game design documents today! Put them in the following format, and fluffy kittens shall worship you. Dont worry about writing a huge tome of knowledge - a couple of lines on each heading is fine. Remember, this is going to evolve over the course of the semester.


Game Design Document

Generally the name of the game goes here somewhere.

Overall Design Summary
What sort of game is this (genre/format). What is the setting? What does the player do, and why (goal) .

Here you describe the game design in more detail. This part is normally broken up into a bunch of different headings and sub headings. Some of the things you might want to cover are:
-The goal/object of the game - how does the player 'win'?
-How does the game flow? Do you have a main screen? Does the screen scroll? Does it transition to other scenes? Once you describe the game flow (feel free to use a diagram), you can break each of the 'sections' or 'screens' down into a seperate heading and describe it there. And so on and so on...
-How does the player interact with the game? How do they use the controls to manipulate what they are seeing?
-How is the game scored?
-Can the player die? How?

Artistic Overview
An overview of the game visual style. You can use pictures here, as well as describe how it will look.

Technical Overview
An overview of specific technologies used on the project - Platform, programming languages, frameworks, image formats, sound formats, and anything else relevant.

Game Parameters
Anything that is a sort of 'game constant'. For instance:
-number of lives
-speed of movement
-amount of ammo you start with
(these are just examples).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

IGDA Meeting 10th March

Hi All,

A quick note to let you know about the next IGDA meeting:

State of the industry

Time / Date: 7:00pm 'til late; Tuesday, 10th March, 2009 Location: The Velvet Lounge, 639 Beaufort St Mt Lawley (behind The Flying
Scotsman) Come and catch up with fellow game developers at our first meeting of the
year. The nights presentation will be by Nick Lowe and RJ Spencer on current
state of the industry and the skills available in Perth.

It's a licensed venue, so if you are under 18 you will need to sit this one out, or do your best to look 18 and sit in the corner and hope nobody notices you :).

The topic should be quite interesting - Rj and Nick (both soldiers from the very guts of Interzone) will be talking about the state of the games industry in Perth - where we want it to be, and how to get it there.

Hope to see you there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Game Loop

So here is a quick rundown of how a game might work. I guess at times I refer to a game skeleton or a 'game loop' - this is what I am referring to. The cycle that happens over and over again during a game's execution (often every frame!), and the things that need to be done in that cycle. It is obviously essential for programmers to understand this since they have to code it (or something like it), but I think it is important for everyone working on a games project to at least have an appreciation of just what is happening under the hood.

In the most basic of descriptions it would be:

  1. initialise resources (screen, images/textures/sounds)
  2. initialise game state (score, lives, all the entities (enemies, player, etc) )
  3. while not ready to exit:
  4. ....get input (keyboard/mouse)
  5. ....test for collisions between entities
  6. ....update all the entities positions/state
  7. ....draw everything
  8. clean up

Thats about it. Obviously some of the input (say, ESC key) or some game state (player ran out of lives) might cause the 'ready to exit' case to be true, and the game would end. You also need to fill in the blanks a bit with the 'test for collisions' step - obviously you arent interested in every little collision - just the ones that affect game state. Normally these are things like player/enemy, player/enemy_bullet, player/powerup. This generally means separating entities into groups, and testing for collisions between the groups that make sense - pygame has some neat data structures for this.

Another thing I am not really touching on here is timing. Some games (admittedly, these days it is not many) are written without any thought to how long each cycle (the part in the while loop - input, processing, and output/render). They just go as fast as they can. The problem with this is that people playing the game on different systems with different run speeds will have completely different play experiences. This is not desirable - it really undermines your game design. So what you have to do in these situations is have a clock timing how long it is taking to render each frame (the so called dt - normally in milliseconds), and do everything based on that.

For instance, instead of moving the spaceship 3 pixels every cycle or frame (which would have the ship moving at *vastly* different rates on different systems), we instead say that the ship moves at 100 pixels per second, so that each frame the ship moves (100*(dt/1000)) pixels. This means the ship moves at the same rate (more or less) on every system you run it on.

It sounds complex, but it's not.

The other nifty thing we will be doing comes when we want to 'update' all our entities. Essentially what we will do is make a base class in python for entities that has some useful methods, among them update() and draw(). Whenever we define a new type of entity (a bullet, a monster, a powerup, a zombie dinosaur), we will subclass from here (i.e. inherit from here) and override the functionality of update() and draw() to suit whatever entity we happen to be working on. The beauty of this is that we end up having our entities in some sort of list or group, and when we are ready to update or draw them, we just call entity.update() or entity.draw() on each element of the list, and each element then runs its custom update() method, depending on what it is. Inheritance comes in quite handy for games.

So our (slightly more advanced) game loop might be:

  1. init resources (screen, images/textures/sounds)
  2. init a clock
  3. init game state
  4. groups entities for collisions
  5. while not ready to exit:
  6. ....tick the clock (gets the time taken since last tick) to get 'dt'
  7. ....get input (keyboard/mouse)
  8. ....go through and test for collisions between groups we are interested in
  9. ....go through each element in the element lists and call .update() based on 'dt'
  10. ....go through each element in the element lists and call .draw()
  11. clean up

Next step: How will we do this in python/pygame? Stay tuned!