Thursday, February 19, 2009

Milestone # 1 - Deliver GDD

Weeks 3 to 5


It is a team effort to build the requirements for the game. Please blog as much as possible, and post screen shots and sketches. These will be used by the Producer to create the GDD.

Week 5

Producers are to compile all notes and blogs into a one page (or more) bullet point (or more elaborate) document which becomes the Game Design Document - or GDD.

Week 6

1st Scrum
The entire team performs a scrum covering the following items:
1) What they have done
2) What they will do next
3) Any blocking issues.

Designer Pitch
The nominated designer (or proxy) will regurgitate the GDD to the class in pitch form as if they are standing in front of Publishers.

This will be an opportunity for the other team to critically analyse the other team's ideas. You will also be at the wrath of the lecturers who are the Product Owners - be prepared to be scrutinised - note this is all in fun. Don't get stressed out.

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